Monday, August 30, 2010

Beautiful Weekend in Lake Tahoe!

We recently went to Tahoe for Janene and Joey’s wedding. As a child, my family went to Tahoe often in the summer and spent the days at the beach. It was beautiful and I have fond memories of it. So, it was wonderful to take Ewan there and create memories with him in that gorgeous setting.

My parents came with us to help watch Ewan while we attended the wedding. It was our first big road trip with Ewan, his first trip to the beach, and our first night out drinking and dancing since his birth.

We were able to spend some time at the beach and Ewan loved to feel the sand in his fingers…

The wedding was beautiful, Janene looked gorgeous, and it was touching to see so many people (including Janene and Joey, of course) who loved each other so very much. I must admit though that this wedding took on a whole new meaning now that I am a mother. After I had a few glasses of wine, they showed a slide show. When those baby pictures of Joey started flashing, I couldn’t help but think of Ewan, about how much I love him, and how fast the time flies. Maybe it was the wine, but I teared up thinking about how fast 8 months has flown by and how I feel like I will blink my eyes and it will be his wedding day. It reminded me to cherish this time even more and give him lots more hugs and kisses.

Tahoe Photos

Wedding Photos

Monday, August 23, 2010

8 months old today!!

This month has had its ups and downs. Ewan had his first bout with some sort of tummy bug (see here, unless you have a weak stomach…then do not look!). He has also had thrush over and over and we cannot seem to get rid of it. Then there is the fact that he used to LOVE to eat and now he eats a few bites and that is it. We thought he might be ready for finger food, but he just licks it or chokes on it and spits it out.

On the lighter side, he  crawls around a ton now. He still has more of a drag technique, but he has started to get one leg in it…

Ewan started in a new classroom today. He is now in an older infant room called “Lavender” with the same teachers and babies.

This month brought his first road trip. We went to Tahoe for Janene’s wedding….I think that warrants its own post so look out for that soon.

Ewan still sleeps 10-12 hours through the night and even had no problem in the pack-n-play in a strange place for 2 nights. He still smiles and laughs and seems to get more adorable by the day (biased? Nah) We are so lucky to have such a happy, mellow baby.

Lots of photos this month (what’s new?). Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

“I’m waiting for her head to spin around.”

Since I have recently been experiencing the joys of parenthood, I had to steal a line from that great movie. This one refers to the wonderful joy of projectile vomit. Yesterday, Ewan was not himself at school all day, but we weren’t sure why. The answer became very clear about half way though our commute home when he began to throw up over and over in the back seat. The scary thing is that he wasn’t crying; he was silent. So, I freaked out and started hitting him in the forehead until he cried out! Poor guy, but I had to make sure he was okay back there.

I couldn’t really pull over and we don’t use a mirror so I decided to use one of Jamie's tricks and reach my phone back and take a photo. I know it is so unnecessary, but I can’t resist sharing the photo with you. He had carrots for lunch that day…


The scary thing is that the puking continued for a while after this! Luckily, he is all better now although he is still riding the fuss bus.

Plus, the silver lining to this story is that we were having flashbacks to having a newborn. He was so snuggly with us all night, he slept in our room and we watched him sleep, and we had to wake up every few hours to feed him!

Friday, August 06, 2010

Time to baby proof!