Monday, August 23, 2010

8 months old today!!

This month has had its ups and downs. Ewan had his first bout with some sort of tummy bug (see here, unless you have a weak stomach…then do not look!). He has also had thrush over and over and we cannot seem to get rid of it. Then there is the fact that he used to LOVE to eat and now he eats a few bites and that is it. We thought he might be ready for finger food, but he just licks it or chokes on it and spits it out.

On the lighter side, he  crawls around a ton now. He still has more of a drag technique, but he has started to get one leg in it…

Ewan started in a new classroom today. He is now in an older infant room called “Lavender” with the same teachers and babies.

This month brought his first road trip. We went to Tahoe for Janene’s wedding….I think that warrants its own post so look out for that soon.

Ewan still sleeps 10-12 hours through the night and even had no problem in the pack-n-play in a strange place for 2 nights. He still smiles and laughs and seems to get more adorable by the day (biased? Nah) We are so lucky to have such a happy, mellow baby.

Lots of photos this month (what’s new?). Enjoy!


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