Sunday, May 23, 2010

Time flies when you have a baby!

Already 5 months old today! Ewan continues to grow and grow- especially in the cheeks. A lady at the airport stopped us to comment on how adorable Ewan was and she called his cheeks “rearview cheeks” because you can see them from behind him. 

Not too much to report. He loves to chat and make new sounds. His favorite thing to do is take out his pacifier and stare at it and then try to put it back in his mouth. He did roll over once, but decided it is better to just stay put. I am not sure how he gets more adorable each day, but he manages to do it.

The big event for the month was a visit from his Nana and Uncle (see previous post). It is sad that they cannot see this beautiful baby more often, but I know that they will have a very special relationship as Ewan looks forward to their visits (and our visits to England when we decide to brave it!).

Ewan's dapper 5 month photo:


The myriad of photos from 4 to 5 months.


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