Tuesday, January 01, 2013

It has been an annus horribilis.

Happy New Year! We say it every year. We hope for a better year than before or maybe one just as fabulous. Either way, it is a new beginning. It never meant too much to me and, frankly, I am lucky for that. I have always had great years, some on the amazing level, others just very good. This is the first year I want to say “good riddance,” the first where I rejoice at the new beginning. I am aware that it is all psychological, but the taking down of the calendar, the raising of the glass, the midnight kiss for my love will have a new feeling this year. There were just so many things this year that were shitty for me and so many of my family and friends. Poetic, I know, but that is the best way I can describe it. I won’t go into the things, some are confidential and some I just want to forget as I’m sure many others do.
The thing is I think that all weepy, unhappy blogs are supposed to have a silver lining, an upbeat ending and I wouldn’t want to disappoint. I recently spoke to a friend I hadn’t talked to in over a year. I said to her that my year had been terrible and her immediate questions were “are you okay? Is Ewan okay? Is Jamie okay?” Well, that was an eye opener for sure. Yes, Jamie and I are great, we celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year and couldn’t be happier. Ewan is coming out of his terrible 2s and is adorable and healthy. Next question: “how are your parents?” Oh, yeah, they too are fine, tough year for them in some ways, but they are healthy, enjoyed a month long trip to Brazil recently. Well, if that conversation didn’t put things in perspective, I don’t know what would. I am truly a lucky lady. My life is great. I go to bed with a smile on my face every night after kissing Jamie goodnight and peeking in on my sleeping boy. I have brushed up on my Christmas movies.  I am aware that I do indeed have a wonderful life. Yes, love actually does exist and my life is chock full of it.
Here’s the other thing about such a terrible year, it makes you realize how much you love and care for those in your life. I am so lucky to have family and friends that I care about so much and who care for me. Going through tough times, not only makes me realize this, but makes me want to let them know that I love and care about them and that I am so lucky to have them in my life. Nobody ever wants to do the slow walk in the emergency room towards family like they do in TV dramas, but we did it this year, the waiting, the praying, the hugging, the crying. The thing is that when the dust clears, those people you embraced and wept with mean more to you than ever before and so does everyone else around you.
Pictures are worth a thousand words, so I will shut up now and let some pictures talk for me. I love you all very much and I hope you know that even if I don't remember to tell you...

So, good riddance 2012. I will not miss you. I mean, thank you for putting things in perspective and teaching me some good lessons and all, but f*ck you anyway and leave us alone now.
Happy New Year indeed!


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