Saturday, October 06, 2012

What is he on about?

It has been a while since I posted anything and I thought it was about time. To be honest, Ewan went through a tough phase and although there was still sweet and wonderful moments, most of my energy was sucked into his screamy, angry, tantrumy moments. It was hard to find energy for blogging! Luckily, he is already moving away from this and returning to his mellow, sweet, and kind self.

So, on to happier times... Since I last posted, Ewan has changed classrooms and bedrooms! He is officially a preschooler in a big boy bed. It has been awesome to see all of the wonderful things he is doing at school...clay, watercolors, composition, theatre... I really am lucky to work at such a great center :) His new bedroom has a block area that is very basic, but I hope to add more. Those of you that know me on a professional level know my love for "found materials" also know as re-purposed or recycled materials. I love their open-ended nature which allows the children to create in their own way. It is wonderful that Ewan is exposed to these at school in his block area, dramatic play area, composition/collage area, etc. In his own room, we have begun a collection of these too. A while back I was getting ready for work and Ewan told me he was "making a party." I came in a while later to find that he was using the tiles Jamie brought from his work (and later blocks) to create this party for his stuffed cat, Tickly. Not only did I love his creativity, but I couldn't help but notice that Ewan had realized the tiles differed in thickness and had resolved this issue by piling 2 of each of the smaller tiles. It made my heart happy :)
Genius, that boy
PARTY!! :)

This post title refers to one of my favorite British phrases. I always found it a funny way to ask "what is he talking about?!" when I lived there. Well, lately I find myself using it a lot to refer to Ewan. He goes on and on making up crazy stories about who knows what. His imaginative play is so intricate and detailed as he talks to himself. Along with laughing to myself, I find myself thinking "who is this child and when did he get so big?!" As usual, when I get out the camera, he stops his stories, but I got a few decent examples...

A story about some made up friends, Jake and Staypit...almost as good as mine from childhood, Caneroll.
Playing with his cars...

You know I love me some bonus videos and photos! This one is a little long and there isn't much to it, but the beginning part (first 17 seconds) where he makes up a word and then talks about the grand canyon is awesome. My goodness, I love this adorable boy!
A little friendly race with friends last weekend:

Here are two from today of him karate chopping a balloon. He had quite the moves:


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