Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ewan is 5 weeks old

This week, our little beauty turned a month old on Saturday :)

We are starting to have more of a routine, although not necessarily a schedule. He gets up only twice in the night to eat…the first time around 1/2am and the second time is almost always right around 5am. Then he is up around 8/8:30am for the day. Then he eats, I eat and shower while he sits in the bouncy chair, he eats again, then takes his marathon nap (for about 3 hours). The afternoon/evening is not as predictable. I realize this schedule will not last, but it has been about a week now and it is nice to have a routine.

Our events for the week (yes, our life is so very exciting):

--We went to our first Mommy and Me class on Monday which was so nice. It was great to hang out with other new mommies and just chat. We talked about our babies, but also about general topics like growing and smoking pot.

--We had visits from Auntie Alison and Lilly’s parents (aka Avo and Vovo). It was the first time Lilly’s dad had seen Ewan since New Year’s Day! Ewan managed to give him a good ten minutes or so of awake time :)


Ewan’s 5 week photos

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ewan is four weeks old!

Not to sound like a broken record, but I cannot believe how much Ewan has grown! Our little guy is not so little anymore. His newborn clothes are actually starting to fit him and some are even getting tight, although that is mostly just around the belly. His cheeks are huge and he has developed quite the double chin.

This week we had a few tough nights and days with Ewan. He seemed to only sleep 30-45 minutes before screaming his head off. He also seemed hungry ALL the time. It was tough, but we hung in there (and we know there will be more days like that to come).

As I write this, Ewan is on his third hour of sleep after his morning feeding and this is all after a good night of sleep.  He got up to eat a few times, but other than that has slept from 10pm last night until 1:30pm today and he is still going…must be making up for the last few days. I have showered, done laundry, washed dishes, ate lunch, made brownies, and started this blog entry all while he snoozes away.


Here is Ewan on his way home at one day old and a comparison photo from a few days ago…

Benjamin Button Ewan to


Chubby Baby Ewan:)


Ewan’s Fourth week photos

Friday, January 15, 2010


The great thing about hand-me-downs is, of course, that they are free!!

Another great thing though is that it is so cute to see Ewan wearing something I remember Lucas, Jason, or Jacqueline wearing.

Here is Lucas and Ewan in the same hat and the same bouncy chair:)


Lucas at 2 weeks



Ewan at 2.5 weeks

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ewan is 3 weeks old!

How is this going so fast?


Jamie went back to work this week. After a fussy  weekend for Ewan, I was super scared to have him go. But, overall, it has been great. The fussiness has subsided (for now) and he is back to eating a ton, sleeping a ton and spending time staring at Mommy for a little while in between. We have had a trip to Walgreens and a trip to Kaiser all with great success.  We definitely miss Jamie and will look forward to the weekends in a whole new way.

Ang and Lucas came to visit Tuesday and it was nice to have visitors. Ewan got his first real bath on Sunday. Other than that it has been a mellow week. When my favorite part of the day is staring at Ewan’s little fingers (I discovered a tiny little beauty mark on his middle finger), I know there isn’t much to report.

Ewan’s 3 week pictures

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Ewan’s Second Week

IMG_2405 Ewan’s second week at home has been pretty eventful.

It started with Angela, Philip and Lucas visiting us on NYE.  They bought has 1/4 lb Burgers and Ewan and Lucas met for the first time. 

Ana, Manny and Paul came over on NYD and brought us a ton of food and Ewan got to watch the Rose Bowl.

Birth announcements were sent, although tired fathers should have had someone else proof read it before they were printed.  We now have 60 birth announcements with a typo…what to do with those?

Trader Joe’s was Ewan’s first non-doctor related outing. It was a big success as Ewan slept the entire time. 

We had our first excessively worried parent moment on Wednesday. His umbilical stump fell off a week ago. Wednesday after changing his diaper we noticed that he was bleeding from the scab over his belly button and immediately got on the phone with the hospital. This lead to a 10 minute conversation with an advice nurse and a temperature reading (in the most uncomfortable of positions).  We had an appointment with his Nurse today and mentioned about the scab bleeding.  She said she would have a look at which point she started digging around in his belly with her nails and picked out the scab.  So much for the panicked call to Kaiser. 

Second Week Photos