Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ewan is four weeks old!

Not to sound like a broken record, but I cannot believe how much Ewan has grown! Our little guy is not so little anymore. His newborn clothes are actually starting to fit him and some are even getting tight, although that is mostly just around the belly. His cheeks are huge and he has developed quite the double chin.

This week we had a few tough nights and days with Ewan. He seemed to only sleep 30-45 minutes before screaming his head off. He also seemed hungry ALL the time. It was tough, but we hung in there (and we know there will be more days like that to come).

As I write this, Ewan is on his third hour of sleep after his morning feeding and this is all after a good night of sleep.  He got up to eat a few times, but other than that has slept from 10pm last night until 1:30pm today and he is still going…must be making up for the last few days. I have showered, done laundry, washed dishes, ate lunch, made brownies, and started this blog entry all while he snoozes away.


Here is Ewan on his way home at one day old and a comparison photo from a few days ago…

Benjamin Button Ewan to


Chubby Baby Ewan:)


Ewan’s Fourth week photos


Blogger michelle said...

Aw, he is adorable and getting so big. They have growth spurts so often in the first few months. In fact, Riley's 3 week growth spurt coincided with when Life went back to work, and so my first week I was left with a fussy little screaming guy and wondered wtf?! I was doing wrong lol. They just want to eat eat eat, and I know Kate especially would get very fussy round growth spurt times as she wasn't sleeping as much as usual. The good news is, it passes....Hugs and hang in there.

11:08 PM  

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