Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ewan is 3 weeks old!

How is this going so fast?


Jamie went back to work this week. After a fussy  weekend for Ewan, I was super scared to have him go. But, overall, it has been great. The fussiness has subsided (for now) and he is back to eating a ton, sleeping a ton and spending time staring at Mommy for a little while in between. We have had a trip to Walgreens and a trip to Kaiser all with great success.  We definitely miss Jamie and will look forward to the weekends in a whole new way.

Ang and Lucas came to visit Tuesday and it was nice to have visitors. Ewan got his first real bath on Sunday. Other than that it has been a mellow week. When my favorite part of the day is staring at Ewan’s little fingers (I discovered a tiny little beauty mark on his middle finger), I know there isn’t much to report.

Ewan’s 3 week pictures


Blogger jaime said...

I'm glad you're having a good time chillin with Ewan, it goes by so fast. I well up every time I look at newborn pics of ben. I think I am channeling all those hormones...haha!

9:55 AM  
Blogger jaime said...

that boy has Jamie jowels & mouth fo sho!

3:30 PM  
Blogger Jane Osborne said...

Ewan has such cute little hands and I see he can raise his little finger which will be so right for the English when he drinks tea! Can't wait to give him a cuddle. I think he looks like Manny.

Much love Nana xxx

2:36 AM  

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