Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our Birth Story (not for the faint of heart)

For those of you that are amazed like me that we were only at the hospital for 3.5 hours before Ewan was born and I did it all completely drug free (seriously, I am still in shock about that one), here is the whole, long story. I will try not to give too much information, but some of it is gory so beware and if you are easily grossed out, don't read on:)

On Tuesday 12/22 I woke up feeling a gush and was thinking that perhaps my water had broken; it turned out to be blood. Needless to say I FREAKED. Jamie and I went to the hospital and were told that the baby probably just broke blood vessels in my cervix. My Mama instinct told me that was not true, but we were sent home and I assumed doctor knew best.

Contractions started very light and mild after that and I wasn't really sure if they were real contractions or not. The contractions got stronger, but not too bad through the day and I still thought perhaps this was just the beginning of days of contractions (first time mom...what did I know?). Time seemed to FLY after that. Before I knew it, it was 8pm, we were eating dinner and the contractions were still coming steady, but mild. I finally started to think maybe after all these hours it was real labor, just maybe.

Jump to 11pm and the contractions were strong enough for me to actually realize we were having this baby! We called labor and delivery and told them my contractions were now about 4-5 minutes apart, but weren't yet extremely painful. They told me to take a shower and keep on waiting.

Jump to about 12:30am when I hop in the shower. The contractions seem one on top of the other at this point and I have started bleeding again. I know it is time to go even if my contractions are not yet excruciating. I tell Jamie "call Kaiser, we are going NOW!"...something along those lines.

We arrive at the hospital at about 1:30am and leave all our stuff in the car thinking we can get it when we are admitted. To cut to the chase here... when I am examined, I am already 9cm dilated (for those of you that do not know that is 9 out of 10- almost there already!). My contractions are now every minute or so and to my complete and total shock still not excruciating! I know the epidural is now out of the question despite having assumed all along I would get one. I was almost there plus, I'd never be able sit still for it at this point.

I am moved to the room, Jamie is being a studly birth coach and I am in shock that we are about to have this baby. Again trying to cut this down short as much as possible... I start to push at 4:15am and at one point they say "stop pushing!" and start rushing around to get everything ready! Beautiful Ewan was born 40 minutes later at 4:55am. I am totally amazed by him and by the day's events. I can't believe I did it all drug free and was at the hospital for only a few hours before his birth. As the midwife said (who was fabulous) "you were born to have children!"

Okay, finally the cliffhanger result you've all been waiting midwife then tells me that when I arrived she knew that there was WAY too much blood coming out, but she didn't want to scare me and at the point I came in, she knew I was almost there anyway. When the placenta came out, she said it had a partial abruption which was her thought all along. It could have been very bad, but luckily it all turned out fine; Ewan did swallow a lot of blood and they had to do an extra suction of his lungs to get it out. Seriously, gotta trust that mother's instinct!

Just a note: we never got the stuff out of the car. We never had a chance to call any relatives. I did, however, at about 4:30 scream to Jamie that he had to get the camera out of the car. He said he had his cell phone camera and that was not acceptable. He ran down to get it just in time:)

This, of course, all lead to our amazingly beautiful and tiny little guy. He loves to hear voices and gets alert and concentrates on us when we talk to him. The first time Jamie held him, he opened his eyes and stared at his Daddy intently. That is what made the flood gates open for Jamie after he was born, which in turn started my water works :)

We are just getting over the shock of how it all happened and I am so incredibly amazed and proud of all 3 of us. As I write, beautiful Ewan sleeps soundly in his Daddy's arms. Writing all this makes the water works start to well up again so I think it is time for me to sign off.

Thanks for reading our story.
Lots of love,
Lilly, Jamie and Ewan


Blogger michelle said...

Wow, Lily, that was an exciting read! You did amazing. Scary about the partial abruption, I thought it was something like that when you mentioned blood coming out.
So glad you are both healthy and home in time for Christmas.

Much love to you, Jamie and Ewan from Life, Michelle, Riley & Kate xx

12:20 AM  

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