Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ewan is 5 weeks old

This week, our little beauty turned a month old on Saturday :)

We are starting to have more of a routine, although not necessarily a schedule. He gets up only twice in the night to eat…the first time around 1/2am and the second time is almost always right around 5am. Then he is up around 8/8:30am for the day. Then he eats, I eat and shower while he sits in the bouncy chair, he eats again, then takes his marathon nap (for about 3 hours). The afternoon/evening is not as predictable. I realize this schedule will not last, but it has been about a week now and it is nice to have a routine.

Our events for the week (yes, our life is so very exciting):

--We went to our first Mommy and Me class on Monday which was so nice. It was great to hang out with other new mommies and just chat. We talked about our babies, but also about general topics like growing and smoking pot.

--We had visits from Auntie Alison and Lilly’s parents (aka Avo and Vovo). It was the first time Lilly’s dad had seen Ewan since New Year’s Day! Ewan managed to give him a good ten minutes or so of awake time :)


Ewan’s 5 week photos


Blogger Angela said...

What, does your moms group meet at 4:20?

4:03 PM  

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