Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Birthday beautiful boy!

I no longer have a baby. That is very hard to believe. Really, it has been a while, but now that Ewan is two that is pretty official. The last two wonderful years have flown by so fast it is crazy to me!
Words cannot really describe how it feels to think back on Ewan's day of birth and the last two amazing years with our boy, but I will try...
I cannot really remember life without a sweet little voice saying "you okay, Mama?" every time I sigh or yell at someone in traffic. I love how much Ewan loves and cares for everyone in his life so much. I love to see the genuine joy on his face when he sees them or asks about them. In his one year old post, I mentioned that one of his teachers told me when he was 8 months old that she had never seen a baby show empathy at his age, but he did. Every time someone cried, he would pull himself over, stare at their face, and put a hand or his forehead on them. He has continued this sweetness and concern for friends. It is touching and beautiful and something I hope stays with him his whole life. Of course, these days he sometimes pushes or hits someone so he can turn around and comfort them...hey, we can't all be perfect ;).
I find myself each and every day, numerous times per day, looking at Ewan and thinking about how much I love and adore him. It could be the way he smiles, a silly thing he says, a long sentence that blows me away, a song or dance he busts out with, or when he wants to snuggle with me. I mean, the boy has started beatboxing randomly throughout the day, yelling out "Boom Shaka-laka," and telling his own knock-knock jokes. How can I not adore him? It really does make a mother's heart swell :)
Okay, I will stop gushing now. I just felt I needed to say how much joy Ewan has brought me and Jamie in the last 2 years. We are incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful family. I love them so much and I think about that everyday as I give Ewan his goodnight hugs and kisses.

Happy, Happy Birthday my gorgeous Ewan!!

1 day old
2 years old (almost)
Today (after opening his new helmet and trike)

 In honor of Ewan's big day, here are a few Picasa albums:
  • Ewan had professional pictures done at school. All his friends were shy, but not my boy. Apparently he posed in many positions without even being asked. It was hard to choose which photos to order, but we eventually picked these 10 (there are 15 here, but some are just cropped versions of the original).
  • Ewan's Christmas card photo shoot
  • Ewan's Lego second birthday party
Oh, and you know I love bonus videos!!! Every birthday needs a little dancing...