Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Ewan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, has it really been a year since this day? 


I cannot believe it. In some ways it went way too fast and in some ways it feels like Ewan has always been here and has always been a part of our lives.

Now that I am a parent, people sometimes ask for advice or words of wisdom. I have some advice on certain subjects, but as far as general advice to expectant parents the only thing I can really say to them after my year with Ewan is this: nothing I (or anyone else) can say or do will ever prepare you for how much you will love and adore your child. It is indescribable...more amazing and intense than anything you have imagined.
Of course, it is also tough and tiring, but the joy outweighs all of that especially with support from each other and family which Jamie and I are lucky to have.

Ewan’s teachers tell me all the time how happy he is all day and how amazing it is that he is already so sweet and empathetic. When a friend is sad, he comes over to pat them and put his head on them. Here he is doing that for his friend Landon when he was sad…


As Ewan celebrated his first birthday on Saturday, I bent down next to him to sing “Happy Birthday” and hold his cake for him. He was clapping his hands and smiling. I looked over at Jamie and I think I saw some tears in his eyes. I remember thinking then what a lucky woman I was to have such a loving, happy, amazing family.

If the first year is any indication, I think Ewan will have a great lifeSmile

Here are the photos from the last month.

My parents got Ewan a walker that he loves. Here is Ewan enjoying that with his Uncle Stuart. Don’t worry, this one is very short!


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