Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Ewan has been loving his food lately. He has finally started to figure out how to chew it instead of just swallow and gag! He still drops a lot of it or chews for a while and then spits it out. It is quite a scene on the floor when he is done! I guess this is why people have dogs.

He is starting to get it down though. He does pretty well in these two recent videos. I tried again to get a shot of the teeth…he now has one on the bottom and five coming in (4 on top and one more on the bottom)! It once again proved too difficult to get a view of some teeth.

I think my little guy is pretty damn cute in these videos although I am aware that non-relatives may find this a little boring! Enjoy.

I love the up-close moment in this one…

and the head shake at the end of this one…

Here are a few stills of that eating session.




A cute one from a  previous yogurt session.



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