Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ewan 11 month birthday video extravaganza!

Today is Ewan’s 11 month birthday. It is insane how fast that went. Even crazier is that this means in one month we will have a one year old! Wow! When did that happen!?

Despite my shock, it is pretty obvious we have a big boy on our hands…

~Ewan now crawls and walks along furniture so incredibly fast. This video doesn’t do justice to how fast he can go, but it is all we’ve managed to capture as of now:

~ He says a bunch of words, most of them starting with “B.” His first word was “Ball.” He now says: Bea, Bo (Gumbo), Bye, Baba (Papa), Book, Kitty and Bottle. It is so cute to see him get excited to see Gumbo and start chanting “Bo, Bo, Bo.” He also greets us with “Hi” as well as putting up his hand and saying “Hi” because Jamie has been giving him high-fives. This video shows him saying ball as we played catch. I will try to capture video of his other words soon.

~He eats everything in front of him. I think he’d just keep eating and eating if we’d let him. His favorite thing is fruit of pretty much any kind and oatmeal…


~ He LOVES to play instruments…

~He still is the happiest, cutest thing around. Here he is watching the World Series and enjoying pulling on some beads with me.

With all these videos, I won’t bombard you with photos too. We’ll post those this weekend.

Happy 11 month birthday my darling boy!


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