Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Humm, Baby: Volume 2

Most of you know by now that I am HUGE SF Giants fan. The fact that I dressed Ewan and I in Giants gear, took self portraits and posted this blog post back in April should have given that away! Well, I was right about one thing. Ewan did pick an awesome year to become a Giants fan. My boys are in the World Series and doing pretty great so far.

In honor of the World Series, the amazing year for the Giants, and how much Ewan has grown, I felt in necessary to take more photos this morning in the same shirt and do yet another post.

Back in April…



This Morning…



Saturday, October 23, 2010

10 months old today!

This month has been a busy one for us. As most of you know, we moved from Hayward to San Mateo. The move has been a very positive one: bigger house, closer to my parents, super close to Aldo’s (hmmm, maybe that is a bad thing!), and a much shorter commute for me and Ewan. There are definitely things we will miss about Hayward and the old home, but overall we are all very pleased. Ewan has been sleeping 10-11 hours straight so he is obviously comfortable in his new room!

Ewan now has 4 teeth with 2 more coming in. His hair seems to be growing quite a bit these days. He has discovered some sort of new voice that he has been using for about a week now. Either that or he is trying to rival my fabulous turkey gobbling…

Here are the month’s photos of our happy, healthy, wonderful boy.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Ewan has been loving his food lately. He has finally started to figure out how to chew it instead of just swallow and gag! He still drops a lot of it or chews for a while and then spits it out. It is quite a scene on the floor when he is done! I guess this is why people have dogs.

He is starting to get it down though. He does pretty well in these two recent videos. I tried again to get a shot of the teeth…he now has one on the bottom and five coming in (4 on top and one more on the bottom)! It once again proved too difficult to get a view of some teeth.

I think my little guy is pretty damn cute in these videos although I am aware that non-relatives may find this a little boring! Enjoy.

I love the up-close moment in this one…

and the head shake at the end of this one…

Here are a few stills of that eating session.




A cute one from a  previous yogurt session.
