Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’,

Ewan has started rolling over (just from tummy to back). One day, he rolled over every time he was on his tummy. I absolutely love the build-up…he makes it look so exhilarating. It is just a shame I sound a bit like I am talking to a dog instead of my son.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Time flies when you have a baby!

Already 5 months old today! Ewan continues to grow and grow- especially in the cheeks. A lady at the airport stopped us to comment on how adorable Ewan was and she called his cheeks “rearview cheeks” because you can see them from behind him. 

Not too much to report. He loves to chat and make new sounds. His favorite thing to do is take out his pacifier and stare at it and then try to put it back in his mouth. He did roll over once, but decided it is better to just stay put. I am not sure how he gets more adorable each day, but he manages to do it.

The big event for the month was a visit from his Nana and Uncle (see previous post). It is sad that they cannot see this beautiful baby more often, but I know that they will have a very special relationship as Ewan looks forward to their visits (and our visits to England when we decide to brave it!).

Ewan's dapper 5 month photo:


The myriad of photos from 4 to 5 months.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ewan meets Nana and Uncle Stu

Ewan’s Nana, Jane, and Uncle Stu came to visit for 9 very short days from England. It was not the most eventful trip as far as thrilling activities. We had a rainy, cold, very short trip to the Oakland Zoo, a picnic at Lake Chabot, a tour around the Googleplex (or “Googleland” as Jane called it), dinner at Lilly’s parents home, miniature golf. The main event really was for them to cuddle Ewan. Ewan loved them instantly and smiled at them constantly. He loved having them give him a bottle or read him his bedtime story. It was a wonderful trip and an extremely important time for Ewan (and all of us).

Here are some of the best photos.

Osborne family photo


Getting to know Uncle Stuart


Already loving time with Nana


Beautiful day at the lake


Here are the rest of the photos from the visit.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tickle me Ewan

Ewan has been super ticklish lately. He often laughs out loud when I tickle his tummy or kiss his neck. He laughs louder when I have two hands to give him a real serious tickle, but I got a pretty good video of him laughing even with my one-handed tickle…

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Ewan’s BFFs

It has been great to make friends in the area that have children around Ewan's age. It keeps me busy and sane! It has also been very sweet to see Ewan with his little baby friends and to know that he will grow up with many of these babies. They have been noticing each other a bit more which makes for some adorable moments.

Geena is one day younger than Ewan and they are good friends…


Despite Ewan's advances, Geena seems to prefer older boys and picks Liam…



Luckily, the love triangle has not dampened Ewan's spirits too much and he is still best buds with Liam…




Ewan has decided to just focus on himself for a while…IMG_3390

