Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ewan is 2 months old today!!

Happy two month birthday to our little guy! The last two months have flown by! On one hand, it is sad that he is growing so fast. On another hand, it is great to see him change especially with him smiling, talking, and laughing so much. It is also great that he sleeps so much at night now. I miss our tiny, wrinkly munchkin, but don’t miss waking up every two hours! Plus, I do love those soft, squishy cheeks that are replacing the wrinkles:)

On Sunday, Ewan had his first trip to Aldo’s! Most of the time, Ewan got held by Vovo and passed around between all the workers. He also spent time with cousin Lucas who seemed very interested in “baby Newnan” and his socks.



Other landmark events this week included meeting Mary Kate as well as getting tortured with uncomfortable outfits so we could try to get a cute photo.



Guess we don’t lead the most exciting life right now, but we are loving every minute of it…well, most minutes anyway:)

Monday, February 22, 2010

The verdict is in…

Before Ewan was born I wondered so often what he would look like or maybe more accurately who he would look like (such as in this blog post). I told Jamie the Portuguese genes are very strong, but he assured me that the Osborne genes are much stronger.

I think we all know who won that argument…IMG_0002


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ewan is 8 weeks old!

Wow! Our beautiful son is 8 weeks old today and 2 calendar months in a few days. Where does the time go? This will most likely be the last of the weekly posts and we will begin monthly updates and updates on any exciting milestones and events.

The nighttime sleep gets better and better. We have a routine of bath around 7:30pm followed by putting on his sleeper, combing his hair, reading Goodnight Moon and getting into bed. Seems to be very successful. He often goes right to sleep and is in bed until about 8am. He does wake up to eat twice in that time, but we still can’t complain.

The daytime sleep has gone from bad to worse. Well, bad to non-existent more accurately. When he is tired, I swaddle him, put on the white noise, and rock him like I always did. He continues to wake up every 5-10 minutes crying. This is going on 2 weeks and driving me insane! He sleeps fine in his carseat or on me when we are out, but can’t seem to do the crib during the day. We continue to work on it and hope that this, too, shall pass!

We had a nice visit from Rob and Wolfe this week. Ewan was looking very dapper in his scooter polo shirt which was a gift from Uncle Ivan. Wish I got more photos with Wolfe because Ewan loved being held by him. Jamie made his delicious chimichangas which were a big hit.

That is about all the excitement in our lives. Ewan looks forward to meeting Mary Kate tomorrow and doing his first trip to Aldo’s this weekend!!

Here is another comparison photo of Ewan and Cousin Lucas: same shirt, same bouncer, same hand, very different looking baby…

Lucas at 1 month:


Ewan at 8 weeks:


Rest of the Week 8 photos.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Seven weeks old already…

and looking a lot older. Our little guy is not so little, tipping the scales at 11lbs, 4.4 oz.!! He recently began to wear some of his 3-6 month outfits! Most people are surprised to hear he is only 7 weeks old.

Not too much of an eventful week. More Mommy and Me groups and our regular visits from Auntie Alison and Vovo (none from Tia Angela and Lucas because they are in England).

Ewan has been sleeping great at night. One night he even slept from 10 to 5:30 before waking up! The great nights unfortunately mean some tough days of him fighting the daytime naps although he is obviously tired. We have heard that 6 weeks is a fussy time for babies and hope this passes soon!

Ewan is getting used to things he used to hate like being in his carseat and taking a bath (the photo is a snapshot of a video so it is not great)…



The rest of this week’s photos are here.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Ewan is 6 weeks old today!

Some highlights this week:

-We had some great days with a very alert Ewan doing tummy time or laying on his back talking with us a ton.

-He had his first very quick smile with Jamie a few days ago, but hasn’t done anything as big since. Right now it just looks like lip curls…he is trying.

-We continue to establish more of a routine each day and have a fun time running errands, having visitors, and going to various mommy groups.

-On Tuesday we went to a Mommy and Me group and this time Ewan got weighed. Our big eater is now 10lbs, 5.5oz!

-We had a nice walk around Lake Chabot with 7 other mommies and babies. We went for almost 2 hours while Ewan slept.

Some lowlights this week:

-We had a few more tough days in which naps were very short and he didn’t want to go down at night. I sure missed his 3 hour afternoon nap (I was definitely getting used to those!).

-I stepped in lots of dog sh*t during previously mentioned walk around the lake.

Not as many photos this week because we have started to take lots of video of our little guy. The main problem with taking videos is that when I start talking in my high mommy voice to Ewan,  Bea comes running to get it on the action. Ewan doesn’t seem to mind though (I think there is an even an attempted smile in this video).

Here is a photo of another of Ewan's attempted smiles during a tummy time:IMG_2743

Here are the rest of the photos from the week.