Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ewan is 8 weeks old!

Wow! Our beautiful son is 8 weeks old today and 2 calendar months in a few days. Where does the time go? This will most likely be the last of the weekly posts and we will begin monthly updates and updates on any exciting milestones and events.

The nighttime sleep gets better and better. We have a routine of bath around 7:30pm followed by putting on his sleeper, combing his hair, reading Goodnight Moon and getting into bed. Seems to be very successful. He often goes right to sleep and is in bed until about 8am. He does wake up to eat twice in that time, but we still can’t complain.

The daytime sleep has gone from bad to worse. Well, bad to non-existent more accurately. When he is tired, I swaddle him, put on the white noise, and rock him like I always did. He continues to wake up every 5-10 minutes crying. This is going on 2 weeks and driving me insane! He sleeps fine in his carseat or on me when we are out, but can’t seem to do the crib during the day. We continue to work on it and hope that this, too, shall pass!

We had a nice visit from Rob and Wolfe this week. Ewan was looking very dapper in his scooter polo shirt which was a gift from Uncle Ivan. Wish I got more photos with Wolfe because Ewan loved being held by him. Jamie made his delicious chimichangas which were a big hit.

That is about all the excitement in our lives. Ewan looks forward to meeting Mary Kate tomorrow and doing his first trip to Aldo’s this weekend!!

Here is another comparison photo of Ewan and Cousin Lucas: same shirt, same bouncer, same hand, very different looking baby…

Lucas at 1 month:


Ewan at 8 weeks:


Rest of the Week 8 photos.


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