Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I'm on the top of the world...

and it is because my child is so go goddamn adorable! I present 2 videos of him doing some amazing moves dancing to The Carpenters. He requested the song and when I came out a few seconds later, he was doing some spectacular stuff. He then requested it again (hence the 2 videos from different vantage points). I think this might have something to do with the old cheerleading video of mine he's been watching. These are long videos, but they are so amazing, I couldn't possibly edit them or decide on one.
(oh, yeah, pardon the messy house...Ewan and I had been home all day playing and lazing about).

Friday, May 11, 2012

An entire decade...

That is how long Jamie and I have been married today. I can't quite believe it.

For those of you that do not know our story or would like a refresher, here is a synopsis...

 I met Jamie in October 1998 when I was studying abroad in England. I liked him immediately and wasn't sure if the feelings were mutual. Despite him being 2.5 years younger than me, I tried to spend as much time with him as possible and even pretended to like a band I didn't know to go to the concert with him (Jamie calls this stalking, I call it determination...and it worked). Spent the year together, spent 2 agonizing years apart, and then decided that was long enough. We knew we wanted to be together forever so in order for us to be able to actually be together, we would get married. We were young(ish) and in love and never looked back. The INS had its own ideas about when Jamie could enter the country, but after many frustrating phone calls Jamie befriended a man at the embassy who helped get Jamie into the USA a week before our wedding...crisis averted! Our wedding was fun and wonderful. It is so fabulous to have all (well, almost all) of your close family and friends together to drink and dance and laugh. We ended the night with our song, "Bohemian Rhapsody", and that has become a tradition for every major life event since (minus Ewan's birth- might have been a bit much for the hospital!). It has been the most amazing 10 years (well an amazing 13.5 years really) a girl could ask for.  I spend many day dreaming moments thinking about how lucky I was to have found Jamie many, many miles from home. When Ewan was born, we were overjoyed, of course, but there was something unexpected about it. Seeing the person you love be the most amazing, loving father makes you love them even more. Ewan adores his Papa (sometimes a little too much ;) ) and I adore Ewan's Papa too!
Happy Anniversary Jamie! Here is to many more decades to come.

I have compiled a very vain picasa album of us over the years. Trust me it was tough to narrow it down even this much, but got it down around 50 photos. I know I missed many favorites especially with photos scattered over various computers. There are some captions if you're curious and I tried to go chronologically (with about 90% accuracy I believe.)

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Song requests and Cruisin'

There have been some tough days with Ewan lately. He is 2, I know. Can't help but laugh at how much easier it was to deal with as a teacher and a nanny though! I didn't feel extremely hurt when they would hit me, so it is very different and more difficult. We continue to stay strong and stern and hope he figures out asap that hitting and yelling does not get him a damn thing! In the meantime, I am trying to channel all the patience and knowledge I use at work for my own life!

I have mentioned before that Ewan loves music. He has started to make requests for songs in the car. He started off mostly requesting Beatles then it moved to various top 40 dance pop and hip hop songs and now he has widened his tastes for sure. The only problem is that the titles he gives the songs are so odd, it is often a total guessing game what he is talking about. Here are some recent examples starting with ones that were easier to figure out and getting increasingly more difficult:
"Yay" = Yeah by Usher
"More shufflin'"= Party Rock by LMFAO
"Lady with the skirt"= Short Skirt, Long Jacket by Cake
"Taking off the shirts"= Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO (Yes, he has seen the video)
"Boots" = Intergalactic by the Beastie Boys (again referring to the video)
"The song with Ewan and Zak and Kai dancing"= That's Not My Name by the Ting-tings (referring to a video we have of him dancing with his cousins to this in England)
"Screws Man"= Dynamite by Taio Cruz (he was very frustrated when he asked "where the screws man?" and I kept telling him that Tim, the maintenance guy at work, was at home.)
"The letters...the one that Liam likes"= ABC by the Jackson 5 (his friend Liam loves him some MJ)
"Working"= Give Me Everything by Pitbull
"Work"= Anyone Who had a Heart by Dionne Warwick
"Fire...fire on the face"= Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People (Later realized he was talking about the CD cover! you can see it here if you scroll down)
"Soapy" = The Day We Caught the Train by Ocean Colour Scene (??????)

As you may know, Ewan got a rockin' bike from Nana for his birthday. It took him a while to reach the pedals, but now he is a pedaling machine.  We are happy to have discovered a good use for our inherited RV parking spot besides just housing trash cans. We are also fortunate to have a park across the street- he loves to bike in the basketball court. Look at this boy go!

This one is from a few weeks ago...

Here he is last weekend...so much faster already!

Bonus videos! Not the most exciting videos around, unless you adore this boy as much as we do.
As you are probably well aware, we love to watch Ewan read books to himself. Here is "A Pocket for Corduroy" in 2 parts (since the first one was interrupted by him looking for his own pocket, his sneeze, and then wanting to see the video).
Here is the script as told by Ewan (I left out the things he was referring to not in the book):
"Here, right here
Corduroy don't... (inaudible) soapy
I don't have a pocket.
Laundry mat is closing.
We're going home. We're going home.
Laundry mat is closing. Laundry mat is closing. Laundry mat is closing.
Everybody out!
Laundry mat is closing.
Everybody out!
Can I look around? Yes.
I don't have a pocket.
I have a pocket."