Thursday, June 16, 2011

More Ewan than law should allow!

I recently busted out the Flip and realized we have a lot of videos we never shared. Thought it was a good time to share some because we are daily blown away by our adorable boy, his language skills, and his new habits. Here are some of the videos and photos to share some of that with you.

Vovo, Vovo, Vovo,...
Ewan adores my parents and talks about them a lot. He often asks to see pictures of my dad, Vovo, or just says his name over and over.

He was asking for Vovo over and over, but he stopped after the camera came out...

Why Ewan loves the ipad...

Papa, Papa, Papa
Although Ewan adores his Vovo, his favorite person in the world is Papa. This video shows that along with some lazy culinary skills he has recently picked up.

For the record, he did find Owl Babies eventually...

Nana chats
Ewan video chats with Nana every weekend. He loves to sing with her and play peek-a-boo. But, in this one, I captured him nodding his head and looking very interested in what she is saying. I LOVE this video!

Monkey, Monkey, Monkey
I love the way he says "monkey", but this video is also a nice example of how much he is talking and saying the same word over, and over, and over...well, maybe all of these videos show that!

Kitchen and Books
Lately, I have been more comfortable doing things in the kitchen or using the bathroom while Ewan plays on his own. I still get scared when I realize Ewan is way too quiet. Is he writing on the walls? Putting things in the toilet? Nope, he is usually doing one of these things...

That's Not My Name!
While driving home recently, Ewan began to clap and shake his head to a song. He likes to dance and sing, but he rarely does this in the car. I have since played the song for him a few times and he has boogied down each time. I thought he enjoyed the music, but then I realized why he must love the's his theme song!

"They call me Ooh-An, they call me Ee-Whan...That's Not my Name! That's Not My Name!"

As usual, once I busted out the camera, he stopped dancing, but there is a good booty shake in the beginning... (can't turn it on this computer so you'll have to wait for that)

Here's are two photos from today to leave you with....finally summer weather!!


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