Monday, January 17, 2011

These foots were made for walking

Here are the promised walking videos. There is a bit of a progression from day one (January 8, 2011) until today. It seems as if so much time has passed, but it has only been 9 days!

The very first day of walking… he had been taking a few steps all day, but only about 2 at a time. He takes about 3 steps 22 seconds into this video. The rest of the video is all of us having a dance party in the living room so you can ignore that Smile.

Here he is a few days later walking cautiously toward Papa.

Here he is this past weekend (1/16/2011) walking outside.

“Now that I can walk, I’m ready for football (aka soccer)!”


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Random Post

Now that Ewan is walking, many of you may be anxiously awaiting the videos. Well, just wait a while longer. We have a few videos of Ewan taking some steps on the first day (Saturday 1/8/11) and recent ones of him taking more steps. But, each day he walks more and more and gets more confident so we will wait on that post until we have more footage.

I recently realized that although we had some photos of Nana, Uncle Stuart, and Mike’s visit in Ewan’s one year post, we still had some nice photos to share from their visit after his birthday. Plus, we did not share any Christmas photos. It may have been Ewan’s second Christmas, but it was the first one in which he got to open gifts and  wear a fabulous cracker crown.

Here is a personal favorite…


The rest of the photos are here.