Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ewan is 9 months old…

and he is acting so big! He is all over the place exploring everything at home and school and he has the bruises to prove it! He climbs up on things and can climb the loft in his classroom. This video is not that exciting and it is the third time he attempted this so he was a bit slow and tired this time. Oh, and the video is sideways, but thought it might be nice for grandparents.

He continues to be so sweet and mellow. I can’t get enough of his “kisses”-- him opening his mouth up wide and trying to eat my face excitedly. I am the only one he does it too ; well, he did give Jamie a kiss once. I hope to capture that on video before he gets too old to want to kiss his mother ;)

8-9 month photos here

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Adele Mae Hedges!

I finally had the opportunity to meet my niece today. It was a quick visit and she slept the entire time, but it was still wonderful. She is so very small and beautiful with perfect little features. She has lots of dark hair just like Lucas did.

We hope to visit again this weekend and will get better pictures then.


Also, happy 9 month birthday to our wonderful and sweet boy. This week has been way too crazy to get all the photos ready, but we’ll do a post this weekend. Here is  a little teaser…


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Videos only a mother would love…

and a Papa and grandparents and other close family members perhaps. We think our guy is pretty damn adorable, but some of these videos are not the most thrilling in the world. We have quite a collection though and are not very good about sharing them. So, here are some recent ones.

Getting better with the finger food although mango is more fun to rub apparently..

When Ewan gets really excited, he shakes his arms up and down and opens his mouth. It is nice a greeting after a long day at work or in the morning. In this video he is not as enthused as usual, but it will give you the idea…

Ewan has discovered a new high-pitched voice. It sounds pretty funny with the hoarse voice  from his cold:). At the end, I tried to get a shot of his new little tooth, but he wasn’t having it. It gave him a chance to show off his new favorite head shake…

Jamie is starting Ewan young…