Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy 4 month birthday Ewan!

Ewan woke up this morning so happy to be 4 months old!



Things are going pretty smoothly in the Osborne household. Ewan has started sleeping better during the day and is still sleeping like a champ at night. We keep busy with our Mommy and Me activities, visiting friends, and having visitors, but we also enjoy our days of just running errands and being together at home.

Ewan has been talking so much these days and his voice seems to be changing and sounding more like he is really trying to tell us something. He has also been laughing and smiling more and having less times when he takes a ride on the fuss bus.

I find myself in disbelief at how much I love and adore this boy. You always know you will love your children, nothing prepares you for just how much!

We purchased a flip camera so we hope to get more, better quality videos as Ewan grows and develops. Below is a video from his bath time…he loves to splash and kick! Here are the many photos taken in the last month (minus ones already posted in recent blog posts); there are lots this month and I narrowed them down quite a bit! Enjoy:)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Ewan does smile!

Ewan loves to smile at us all day, really. But, when he first meets people or is in a new situation, he usually just takes it all in and looks around intently. So, I try to get the smiles on camera, but as soon as that orange light appears, he stops smiling and, again, just stares.

This morning it was quite cold in the house so I put on my robe and thought maybe Ewan would like his robe. I wanted to capture some shots of Ewan in the robe; to my amazement, I got some shots of him smiling. Finally, proof that our little guy does smile! I guess he really loves that robe.




Saturday, April 10, 2010

Humm, Baby!

No, I am not referring to what I do with Ewan (for the record, I do way more singing of silly, made-up songs than humming). This is a catch phrase for all the true SF Giants fans out there…those of us that have been fans since the 80s know it well.

Well, the 2010 season has begun and the boys have started their season 4-0. Looks as if Ewan has picked a great year to become a Giants fan!

The Osborne family is ready for a great season (Ewan and I have our gear ready as seen in these cheesy photos)…Humm Baby! Go Giants! Beat LA! Duck the Fodgers! Grab some pine, Meat! and so on and so forth.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Bea adores this baby!

Bea loves Ewan so much. She rubs her face on him and purrs. The other morning, Bea sat next to him in bed. Ewan was making quite a bit of noise and Bea’s ears were going back as if she was annoyed with the sound. Ewan even smacked her in the face a few times accidentally. Bea continued to sit right next to her baby and look at him adoringly :).



Here is a short video of it although in this one Bea is more mesmerized by what is outside the window.