Saturday, April 16, 2011

Baby's First Tattoo

I once saw a book that was titled "Baby's First Tattoo" and I thought it was very funny. It was a baby book to document things like "baby's first projectile vomit." Since we have had some unique firsts as well as some common ones, I thought I'd steal that title for this post.

Let me first say that I am very aware that Ewan is no longer a baby. That is obvious when I say "baby" and he repeats it and looks around to search for said baby. It is also obvious when I look at photos like this one. But, he is still our baby :)

Baby's First Surgery: Ewan had his surgery on April 8th. It was minor and outpatient and still the scariest thing we have had to deal with, at least since the day before his birth. We checked in at 9:30, he was checked numerous times and was taken for surgery just before noon. The surgeon came out about 1:20 to tell us that everything had gone well. Ewan woke up upset about his IVs and oxygen mask and very hungry. The general anesthesia in his spine was still working so he came home thinking he was fine and not understanding that he couldn't walk because his legs were numb! Once that wore off, he was in pain and then quickly drugged. He was pretty much like this the rest of the night...

Baby's First Speedy Recovery:
The next morning I was drained from the day before and Ewan was back to normal. It really is amazing how resilient children are in these situations. Here he is before we went out for the day (and here we were thinking we'd be in all weekend while he recovers!).

Baby's First Tattoo: :)

Baby's First Time Picking Out His Own Outfit
(down to some red socks, not pictured):

Baby's First Haircut: It was hard, but it was time. We didn't get rid of all the curls, but chopped the sides. I love that Ewan and Jamie both have the "Osborne look" in this one.

Baby's First Marmite: Fail! Jamie was heart-broken.


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